• Government support
  • Excellent climatic conditions
  • Availability of qualified personnel
  • Rich natural resources
  • Strategically located region in the Republic
  • Centrally located in the Central Asia
  • Automobile, railway and airfreight transportation


  Namangan region with an area of 7440 km² is located in the Ferghana Valley. The region consists of 11 districts and 8 cities, among which the largest ones are Namangan, Chartak, Chust, Kasansay. The administrative center of the region is Namangan city which is located 305 km from Tashkent. Basically, its territories lie on the right side of the Syr Darya river, surrounded by the Kuramin and northern Chatkal mountains.


  In Namangan region there are deposits of non-ferrous metals, as well as gypsum and lime. Mineral water sources have been discovered in Shahand, Uchkurgan, Chartak and Chadaksay. The local population is mainly engaged in silk and textile production, shoe manufacturing and cotton processing. In addition, electromechanical enterprises and chemical plants are successfully operating here. In the city of Turakurgan, a dried fruit factory produces its products. The local places are famous for Chust handicrafts, especially knives